Samsung released the latest One UI 5.1 update alongside the launch of the Galaxy S23 series. Now the OS update is being rolled out to more compatible devices and the latest on the list are Galaxy A52 5G and Galaxy Tab S7 series. Galaxy A52 5G, which was launched with One UI 3.1 onboard, is getting the latest update in Singapore, while the Galaxy Tab S7 update is available in Korea, the Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Southeast Europe, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, France, Nordic countries, Switzerland and a few other markets.
According to a report by SamMobile, the Samsung Galaxy A52 5G is currently receiving the latest One UI 5.1 update in Singapore. The availability in other markets is yet to be confirmed. The One UI 5.1 update on the Galaxy A52 5G comes with firmware version A526BXXU2EWB1 and February 2023 security patch. The update is around one gigabyte in download size.
Users can check for the update on their Galaxy A52 5G phone by heading to the phone’s Settings and then going to the Software update menu.
On the other hand, Galaxy Tab S7 and the Galaxy Tab S7+ are reportedly getting the One UI 5.1 update in countries like Korea, the Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Slovenia, South East Europe, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, France, Nordic countries, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Greece, Poland, the UK, Italy, Austria, Slovakia, Portugal, Hungary, Romania, and Baltic countries. The update comes with the firmware version TxxxXXU2DWB2.
The update is said to bring better connectivity with external speakers, new Dynamic Weather widgets with animations, a Shared Family Album in the Gallery, as well as improvements to the Samsung Internet, Gallery, Settings, Weather, AR Emoji Camera, and more. The update on Galaxy Tab S7 also brings multi-window capabilities for Samsung DeX and a few UI tweaks as well.
Users can manually check if the update is available on their Samsung tablet by going to Settings > Software update > Download and install.
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