Realme Pad 2 will make its debut soon in India. The successor to 2021’s Realme Pad will launch alongside the Realme C53 smartphone. The tablet’s launch page has also been listed on Flipkart, confirming the launch date. The product page has also revealed the display specifications and colour options for the upcoming tablet. The Realme Pad 2 is teased to debut in two colour shades. It is confirmed to launch with an 11.5-inch HD display. The tablet’s other specifications were leaked previously, suggesting an 8,360mAh battery with support for 33W charging.
According to the Chinese manufacturer, the Realme Pad 2 will launch in India on July 19 alongside the Realme C53. A product page has also gone live on Flipkart, confirming the date. The landing page also revealed display specifications of the upcoming tablet. The tablet will be available for pre-booking from July 26 onwards. The Realme Pad 2 is teased to come in two colour shades of Gray and Green.
The teaser also confirms that the Realme Pad 2 will sport an 11.5-inch LCD display with 2K resolution and an adaptive refresh rate of up to 120Hz. The tablet is also said to offer 460 nits of peak brightness and 85.2 percent of screen-to-body ratio. Furthermore, it is shown to pack a dual rear camera setup housed in a circular camera module on the back.
Previously, the upcoming tablet’s processor, storage, camera, and software details were leaked online. The Realme Pad 2 was tipped to be powered by a MediaTek Helio G99 SoC paired with 8GB of RAM and 128GB storage. There could be an 8,360mAh battery with 33W charging support via USB Type-C. The Realme Pad 2 is also said to run Android 13-based Realme UI 4.0 out-of-the-box.
Realme Pad 2 will succeed the Realme Pad which was launched in 2021. The tablet comes with a 10.4-inch WUXGA+ (2,000×1,200 pixels) display. It is powered by a MediaTek Helio G80 SoC, accompanied by up to 4GB of RAM and up to 64GB of onboard storage.
Editor’s note: The article has been updated to include the official confirmation regarding the Realme Pad 2 launch date from the manufacturer.
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