WhatsApp may soon allow users to access two accounts from a single phone. The app has reportedly been spotted testing the multi-account feature for Android phones. Usually, the social media platform also releases the iOS version of the feature close to one another. WhatsApp has been rolling out new features to its user base, most notably adding HD photo and video sharing capability. Additionally, the app is also supposedly testing out a new Android interface with a bottom menu bar similar to what its iOS counterpart has had.
A WABetaInfo report suggests that more beta users on Android are now getting access to WhatsApp’s multi-account feature. This is currently available to WhatsApp beta for Android users and is reportedly being rolled out to additional beta users. The revamped user interface for the app settings’ is included with this beta release.
Earlier this year in June, WhatsApp was first spotted testing the multi-account feature. The feature enables users to run several WhatsApp accounts on a single device. The WhatsApp settings will now therefore allow users to access a second WhatsApp account on the same device.
In the upcoming weeks, the app will most likely be upgraded to the stable version with the multi-account feature. People who have different numbers for different nations or regions or for people who have multiple connections, such as for work and personal usage, may find this feature useful.
For now, users must have the latest beta version of WhatsApp for Android and a compatible Android device in order to use the multi-account feature. They can make a new account by selecting the Add Account option in the settings menu after they have activated the feature. Following that, they can enter the new account’s phone number and proceed according to the prompts. Until they log out, this new account remains active on the device.
Every single WhatsApp account will have its own settings, chat history, and notifications. By selecting the account changer in the settings menu, users can switch between accounts.
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